Germanized adds additional properties to the orders endpoint provided by the WooCommerce REST API.
Manage orders
Retrieve, update or delete an order.
GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE: /wp-json/wc/v3/orders/<id>
List of shipments.
List of invoices.
Shipping status. Options:
Direct Debit.
Parcel Delivery Data Transfer.
Whether an order needs confirmation or not.
Shipping address.
Billing address.
shipments properties
Shipment ID.
Shipment number.
Shipment order id.
Shipment order number.
Shipment status. Options:
Shipment tracking id.
Shipment tracking url.
Shipment shipping provider.
The date the shipment was created, in the site’s timezone.
The date the shipment was created, as GMT.
The date the shipment was sent, in the site’s timezone.
The date the shipment was sent, as GMT.
The estimated delivery date of the shipment, in the site’s timezone.
The estimated delivery date of the shipment, as GMT.
Shipment type, e.g. simple or return. Options:
Return shipment is requested by customer.
Return sender address.
Shipment weight.
Shipment content weight.
Shipment content dimensions.
Shipment weight unit. Default is kg
Shipment packaging id.
Shipment packaging weight.
Shipment total.
Shipment subtotal.
Shipment additional total.
Shipment version.
Shipment shipping method.
Shipment dimensions.
Shipment package dimensions.
Shipment dimension unit. Default is cm
Shipping address.
Meta data.
Shipment items.
sender_address properties
First name.
Last name.
Company name.
Address line 1.
Address line 2.
City name.
ISO code or name of the state, province or district.
Postal code.
Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Customs reference number.
content_dimensions properties
Shipment content length.
Shipment content width.
Shipment content height.
dimensions properties
Item length.
Item width.
Item height.
package_dimensions properties
Shipment package length.
Shipment package width.
Shipment package height.
address properties
First name.
Last name.
Company name.
Address line 1.
Address line 2.
City name.
ISO code or name of the state, province or district.
Postal code.
Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Email address.
Phone number.
Address VAT ID.
meta_data properties
Meta ID.
Meta key.
Meta value.
items properties
Item ID.
Item name.
Order Item ID.
Product ID.
Item weight.
Item SKU.
Item total.
Item subtotal.
Item HS Code.
Item customs description.
Item country of manufacture in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Item dimensions.
Item attributes.
Shipment item meta data.
attributes properties
Attribute value.
Attribute key.
Attribute label.
Attribute formatted label.
Attribute formatted value.
invoices properties
Unique identifier for the resource.
Parent document ID.
The reference id linked to the document.
The reference type linked to the document.
The reference formatted number linked to the document.
The document number.
The formatted document number.
Shows where the document was created.
The current document status. Options: draft
The date the document was created, in the site’s timezone.
The date the document was created, as GMT.
The date the document was last modified, in the site’s timezone.
The date the document was last modified, as GMT.
The date the document was sent, in the site’s timezone.
The date the document was sent, as GMT.
User ID linked to the document. 0 for guests.
Author ID linked to the document.
Relative path to PDF file.
Absolute path to PDF file.
The journal type for numbering purposes.
The document version.
The document country.
Formatted address data.
Address data.
Meta data.
The order ID linked to the invoice.
The formatted order number linked to the invoice.
The order resource type, e.g. woocommerce. Default is woocommerce
Invoice payment status. Options: pending
The payment method slug.
The payment method title.
The payment transaction id.
Currency the invoice was created with, in ISO format. Options: USD
The date the invoice was marked as paid, in the site’s timezone.
The date the invoice was marked as paid, as GMT.
The date until which the invoice is due for payment, in the site’s timezone.
The date until which the invoice is due for payment, as GMT.
The date of service, in the site’s timezone.
The date of service, as GMT.
The end date of service, in the site’s timezone.
The end date of service, as GMT.
Product total amount for the invoice.
Product subtotal (before discounts) amount for the invoice.
Shipping total amount for the invoice.
Shipping subtotal (before discounts) amount for the invoice.
Fee total amount for the invoice.
Fee subtotal (before discounts) amount for the invoice.
Discount total amount for the invoice.
Discount percentage for the invoice.
A notice on discounts e.g. coupon codes used.
Discount on additional costs e.g. shipping and fees.
Voucher total amount for the invoice.
Voucher net amount for the invoice.
Voucher tax amount for the invoice.
Tax total amount for the invoice.
Subtotal tax (before discounts) amount for the invoice.
Product tax total amount for the invoice.
Product subtotal tax (before discounts) amount for the invoice.
Shipping tax total amount for the invoice.
Shipping subtotal tax (before discounts) amount for the invoice.
Fee tax total amount for the invoice.
Fee subtotal tax (before discounts) amount for the invoice.
Discount tax total amount for the invoice.
Additional costs discount tax total amount for the invoice.
Total amount for the invoice.
Subtotal (before discounts) amount for the invoice.
Total net amount for the invoice.
Subtotal net amount for the invoice.
Product net amount for the invoice.
Product subtotal net amount for the invoice.
Shipping net amount for the invoice.
Shipping subtotal net amount for the invoice.
Fee net amount for the invoice.
Fee subtotal net amount for the invoice.
Total paid amount of the invoice.
Tax rate percentages.
True in case prices include tax.
Is a reverse of charge?
Is a vat exempt?
Is a OSS invoice?
Is taxable in EU?
Is a b2b transaction?
Is a EU intra-community supply?
Is taxable in a EU VAT country?
Is taxable in a third country?
Is taxable?
Round tax at subtotal?
Formatted shipping address data.
Shipping Address data.
Taxable country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Taxable postcode.
Product items data.
Tax items.
Shipping items.
Fee lines data.
Voucher items.
Total data.
Tax total data.
Parent invoice number.
Parent formatted invoice number.
Refund order id if available.
Refund order number if available.
tax_rate_percentages properties
tax_rate_percentages item.
shipping_address properties
First name.
Last name.
Company name.
Address line 1.
Address line 2.
City name.
ISO code or name of the state, province or district.
Postal code.
Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Email address.
Phone number.
Address VAT ID.
product_items properties
Item ID.
Item reference ID.
Item parent ID.
Item name.
Item document ID.
Item Quantity.
Meta data.
Item attributes.
Whether the item is taxable or not.
Line subtotal (before discounts).
Discount total.
Discount net total.
Discount tax total.
Discount percentage.
Line subtotal tax (before discounts).
Line total (after discounts).
Line total tax (after discounts).
Product taxes.
Product price.
Product net price.
Product price tax.
Product price (before discounts).
Product price tax (before discounts).
Product net price (before discounts).
Product total.
Product net total.
Product subtotal.
Product net subtotal.
Product ID.
Whether this is a virtual item.
Whether this item is a service or not.
Whether this item differential taxed or not.
taxes properties
Item ID.
Item reference ID.
Item parent ID.
Item name.
Item document ID.
Item Quantity.
Meta data.
Item attributes.
Tax type e.g. product.
True in case tax is rounded at subtotal.
Is OSS tax?
Tax total.
Tax net total.
Tax subtotal.
Tax net subtotal.
tax_rate properties
Tax percentage.
Formatted tax percentage.
Tax country.
Tax priority.
Is compound?
Tax rate label.
tax_items properties
Item ID.
Item reference ID.
Item parent ID.
Item name.
Item document ID.
Item Quantity.
Meta data.
Item attributes.
Tax type e.g. product.
True in case tax is rounded at subtotal.
Is OSS tax?
Tax total.
Tax net total.
Tax subtotal.
Tax net subtotal.
shipping_items properties
Item ID.
Item reference ID.
Item parent ID.
Item name.
Item document ID.
Item Quantity.
Meta data.
Item attributes.
Whether the item is taxable or not.
Line subtotal (before discounts).
Discount total.
Discount net total.
Discount tax total.
Discount percentage.
Line subtotal tax (before discounts).
Line total (after discounts).
Line total tax (after discounts).
Product taxes.
Product price.
Product net price.
Product price tax.
Product price (before discounts).
Product price tax (before discounts).
Product net price (before discounts).
Product total.
Product net total.
Product subtotal.
Product net subtotal.
Whether to enable split-tax calculation.
fee_items properties
Item ID.
Item reference ID.
Item parent ID.
Item name.
Item document ID.
Item Quantity.
Meta data.
Item attributes.
Whether the item is taxable or not.
Line subtotal (before discounts).
Discount total.
Discount net total.
Discount tax total.
Discount percentage.
Line subtotal tax (before discounts).
Line total (after discounts).
Line total tax (after discounts).
Product taxes.
Product price.
Product net price.
Product price tax.
Product price (before discounts).
Product price tax (before discounts).
Product net price (before discounts).
Product total.
Product net total.
Product subtotal.
Product net subtotal.
Whether to enable split-tax calculation.
voucher_items properties
Item ID.
Item reference ID.
Item parent ID.
Item name.
Item document ID.
Item Quantity.
Meta data.
Item attributes.
Coupon code.
Line total (after discounts).
Product price.
Product total.
totals properties
Total type.
Total amount.
Total formatted amount.
Total label.
Formatted label.
The total’s unit.
The total’s unit type, e.g. currency.
Total placeholders.
placeholders properties
tax_totals properties
Product tax total.
Shipping tax total.
Fee tax total.
net_totals properties
Product net total.
Shipping net total.
Fee net total.
direct_debit properties
Account Holder.
Mandate Reference ID.
shipping properties
Formatted title.
billing properties
Formatted title.