• Germanized


Germanized adds additional properties to the products endpoint provided by the WooCommerce REST API.

Manage products

Retrieve, update or delete a product.

GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE: /wp-json/wc/v3/products/<id>


Delivery Time.

Country specific delivery times.

Price Label.

Price Label.

unit object


unit_price object

Unit Price.

mini_desc string

Small Cart Product Description.

defect_description string

Defect Description.

free_shipping boolean

Deactivate the hint for additional shipping costs.

min_age string

Age verification minimum age. Options: , 12, 16, 18, 21, 25

warranty_attachment_id string

Warranty attachment id (PDF).

gtin string


mpn string


service boolean

Whether this product is a service or not.

used_good boolean

Whether this product is a used good or not.

defective_copy boolean

Whether this product is a defective copy or not.

differential_taxation boolean

Whether this product applies for differential taxation or not.

is_food boolean

Whether this product is a food product or not.

food object

Food attributes.

hs_code string

HS-Code (Customs).

photovoltaic_system boolean

Whether this product is a photovoltaic system or not.

manufacture_country string

Country of manufacture (Customs).

manufacturer object


Safety attachment ids.

delivery_time properties
id integer

Delivery Time ID.

name string readonly

Delivery Time Name.

slug string

Delivery Time Slug.

html string readonly

Delivery Time HTML.

country_specific_delivery_times properties
id integer

Delivery Time ID.

name string readonly

Delivery Time Name.

country string

ISO code of the country.

slug string

Delivery Time Slug.

html string readonly

Delivery Time HTML.

sale_price_label properties
id integer

Price Label ID.

name string readonly

Price Label Name.

slug string

Price Label Slug.

sale_price_regular_label properties
id integer

Price Label ID.

name string readonly

Price Label Name.

slug string

Price Label Slug.

unit properties
id integer

Unit ID.

name string readonly

Unit Name.

slug string

Unit Slug.

unit_price properties
base string

Unit Base.

product string

Unit Product.

price_auto boolean

Unit Auto Calculation.

price string

Current Unit Price.

price_regular string

Unit Regular Price.

price_sale string

Unit Sale Price.

price_html string readonly

Unit Price HTML.

food properties
deposit_type object

Deposit Type.

deposit_quantity integer

Deposit quantity. Default is 1

deposit string readonly

Deposit amount.

nutrient_reference_value string

Nutrient reference value. Options: , 100g, 100ml

nutri_score string

Nutri-Score. Options: , a, b, c, d, e

drained_weight string

Drained weight.

net_filling_quantity string

Net filling quantity.

alcohol_content string

Alcohol content.

distributor string


place_of_origin string

Place of origin.

description string


Nutrient term ids.

Allergen ids.

ingredients string


deposit_type properties
id integer

Deposit type ID.

name string readonly

Deposit type name.

slug string

Deposit type slug.

nutrient_ids properties
term string number

Nutrient term (slug or term_id).

value number

Nutrient value.

ref_value number

Nutrient reference value (for vitamins & minerals).

allergen_ids properties
allergen_ids item integer

Allergen term id.

manufacturer properties
id integer

Manufacturer ID.

name string readonly

Manufacturer Name.

slug string

Manufacturer Slug.

safety_attachment_ids properties
safety_attachment_ids item integer

safety_attachment_ids item.


Units are stored as a custom taxonomy and are used for unit prices.

List Units

GET: /wp-json/wc/v3/products/units
context string

Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view, edit Default is view

page integer

Current page of the collection. Default is 1

per_page integer

Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Default is 10

search string

Limit results to those matching a string.

exclude array

Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.

include array

Limit result set to specific ids.

offset integer

Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

order string

Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Options: asc, desc Default is asc

orderby string

Sort collection by resource attribute. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description, count Default is name

hide_empty boolean

Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products.

parent integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

product integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.

slug string

Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

exclude properties
exclude item integer

exclude item.

include properties
include item integer

include item.

Manage Units

GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE: /wp-json/wc/v3/products/units/<id>
id integer readonly

Unique identifier for the resource.

name string

Resource name.

slug string

An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.

description string

HTML description of the resource.

count integer readonly

Number of published products for the resource.

Delivery Times

Delivery Times are stored as a custom taxonomy and are used to show delivery times for products.

List Delivery Times

GET: /wp-json/wc/v3/products/delivery_times
context string

Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view, edit Default is view

page integer

Current page of the collection. Default is 1

per_page integer

Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Default is 10

search string

Limit results to those matching a string.

exclude array

Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.

include array

Limit result set to specific ids.

offset integer

Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

order string

Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Options: asc, desc Default is asc

orderby string

Sort collection by resource attribute. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description, count Default is name

hide_empty boolean

Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products.

parent integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

product integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.

slug string

Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

exclude properties
exclude item integer

exclude item.

include properties
include item integer

include item.

Manage Delivery Times

GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE: /wp-json/wc/v3/products/delivery_times/<id>
id integer readonly

Unique identifier for the resource.

name string

Resource name.

slug string

An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.

description string

HTML description of the resource.

count integer readonly

Number of published products for the resource.


Nutrients are stored as a custom taxonomy and are used for displaying information for food.

List Nutrients

GET: /wp-json/wc/v3/nutrients
context string

Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view, edit Default is view

page integer

Current page of the collection. Default is 1

per_page integer

Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Default is 10

search string

Limit results to those matching a string.

exclude array

Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.

include array

Limit result set to specific ids.

offset integer

Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

order string

Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Options: asc, desc Default is asc

orderby string

Sort collection by resource attribute. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description, count Default is name

hide_empty boolean

Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products.

parent integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

product integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.

slug string

Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

exclude properties
exclude item integer

exclude item.

include properties
include item integer

include item.

Manage Nutrients

GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE: /wp-json/wc/v3/nutrients/<id>
id integer readonly

Unique identifier for the resource.

name string

Nutrient name.

label string readonly

Nutrient label.

slug string

An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.

description string

HTML description of the nutrient.

order integer

The current nutrient order.

unit string

The current nutrient unit term by slug or id.

type string

The current nutrient type. Options: numeric, vitamins, title

rounding_rule string

The current nutrient rounding rule. Options: energy, proteins_sugar_fat, fatty_acids, natrium, salt, vitamin_3, vitamin_2

unit_label string readonly

The current nutrient unit.


Allergenic are stored as a custom taxonomy and are used to display food information.

List Allergenic

GET: /wp-json/wc/v3/allergenic
context string

Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view, edit Default is view

page integer

Current page of the collection. Default is 1

per_page integer

Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Default is 10

search string

Limit results to those matching a string.

exclude array

Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.

include array

Limit result set to specific ids.

offset integer

Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

order string

Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Options: asc, desc Default is asc

orderby string

Sort collection by resource attribute. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description, count Default is name

hide_empty boolean

Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products.

parent integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

product integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.

slug string

Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

exclude properties
exclude item integer

exclude item.

include properties
include item integer

include item.

Manage Allergenic

GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE: /wp-json/wc/v3/allergenic/<id>
id integer readonly

Unique identifier for the resource.

name string

Resource name.

slug string

An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.

description string

HTML description of the resource.

Deposit Types

Deposit types are stored as a custom taxonomy and are used to manage different deposits for food.

List Deposit Types

GET: /wp-json/wc/v3/products/deposit_types
context string

Scope under which the request is made; determines fields present in response. Options: view, edit Default is view

page integer

Current page of the collection. Default is 1

per_page integer

Maximum number of items to be returned in result set. Default is 10

search string

Limit results to those matching a string.

exclude array

Ensure result set excludes specific IDs.

include array

Limit result set to specific ids.

offset integer

Offset the result set by a specific number of items. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

order string

Order sort attribute ascending or descending. Options: asc, desc Default is asc

orderby string

Sort collection by resource attribute. Options: id, include, name, slug, term_group, description, count Default is name

hide_empty boolean

Whether to hide resources not assigned to any products.

parent integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific parent. Applies to hierarchical taxonomies only.

product integer

Limit result set to resources assigned to a specific product.

slug string

Limit result set to resources with a specific slug.

exclude properties
exclude item integer

exclude item.

include properties
include item integer

include item.

Manage Deposit Types

GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|DELETE: /wp-json/wc/v3/products/deposit_types/<id>
id integer readonly

Unique identifier for the resource.

name string

Resource name.

slug string

An alphanumeric identifier for the resource unique to its type.

description string

HTML description of the resource.

count integer readonly

Number of published products for the resource.

packaging_type string

The current deposit packaging type. Options: reusable, disposable

packaging_type_title string readonly

The current deposit packaging type title.

deposit number

The current deposit amount.